Launching globally on Netflix on May 10th, The Society follows a group of teenagers who are mysteriously transported to a facsimile of their wealthy New England town without any trace of their parents. Their newfound freedom will be fun… but it will also be very dangerous.
As they struggle to figure out what has happened to them and how to get home, they must establish order and form alliances if they want to survive.
The 10 hour series stars Rachel Keller (Cassandra), Kathryn Newton (Allie), Alex Fitzalan (Harry), Kristine Froseth (Kelly), Jacques Colimon (Will), Sean Berdy (Sam), Toby Wallace (Campbell), Gideon Adlon (Becca), Olivia DeJonge (Elle), Alex MacNicoll (Luke), Natasha Liu Bordizzo (Helena), Jose Julian (Gordie), Salena Qureshi (Bean), Jack Mulhern (Grizz), Grace Victoria Cox (Lexie).