Based on Isaac Asimov’s award-winning novels, the series follows a band of exiles on their unprecedented journey to rebuild civilization amid the fall of the Galactic Empire.
Apple TV+
September 2023 Friday Night Baseball matches revealed by Apple and MLB
A seven-year tie-up between the two firms which sees subscribers enjoy two marquee matchups over 25 weeks with no local broadcast restrictions.
Sci-Fi drama Invasion returns to Apple TV+ this month
The first two episodes of the new season will be available to stream on August 23rd, with the remaining 8 episodes then following weekly.
Apple TV+ drama Drops of God gets first trailer
Starring Fleur Geffrier and Tomohisa Yamashita and set in the world of fine wines, the multilingual French-Japanese drama debuts on April 21st.
New video gives inside look at Apple TV+ series Extrapolations
Apple TV+ has shared a behind the scenes look at Extrapolations, its new series exploring the effects of climate change on a near future society.
Apple announces summer return for Foundation
The series follows a band of exiles on their unprecedented journey to rebuild civilization amid the fall of the Galactic Empire.